Tonight while working on a PowerPoint lesson for class I Googled, "Revelation Four Living Creatures" and found a hit on YouTube. I went to YouTube and Jackpot! I found videos for all 24 chapters! Here's the video for Chapter 1:
What a great way to visualize the illustrations from the Book of Revelation. The last time Danny and I taught Revelation we found it very helpful for the students to draw many of the scenes from the book. The year we are going verse by verse and trying to draw out as many of the visualizations as possible. These videos will help to supplement those activities.
ONE WORD OF CAUTION: The narration does NOT come from the NIV text. All competition questions come exclusively from the NIV so do not solely rely on these videos for study!
Tonight I also found an illustrated text that it similar to that we are doing in class. It contains lots of cute graphics that may help the students visualize the text. However, like the videos the illustrated text is also NOT from the NIV, so use caution if you choose to study by this method. The link to Chapter 1 is listed below. You can navigate to other Chapters by scrolling to the bottom of the page.
Illustrated Revelation Text
The Results Are In!
The 2010 Sunset Bible Bowl has been completed. Results and pictures of the winners can be found at:
Thanks to all the congregations that participated in today's competition:
Thanks to all the congregations that participated in today's competition:
- Third and Dwight
- Third and Kilgore
- 21st Street
- Hillcrest
- Jefferson Street
- Lockney
- Sherwood
- Southern Hills
- South Plains
LCU Provides Scholarships for Winners
Register Online for the 2010 Sunset Competition!
Sunset's May 1st competition is drawing near! Please register your participants online to insure the correct spelling of their names on the certificates and in the PowerPoint award presentation. Click on the following link to register online:
May 1st, 2010 Schedule of Events
Here's the schedule for Sunset's competition:
11:00 – 12:00 P.M....Lunch - Annex
12:00 - 12:30 P.M....Registration
12:15 - 12:55 P.M....Coaches' Meeting ( Room 128)
12:55 - 1:00 P.M.....Passing Period
1:00 - 1:25 P.M......Round I
1:25 - 1:30 P.M......Break
1:30 - 1:55 P.M......Round II
1:55 - 2:00 P.M......Break
2:00 - 2:25 P.M......Round III
2:25 - 3:10 P.M......Refreshments - Annex
3:10 - 3:15 P.M......Passing Period
3:15 - 3:40 P.M......Round IV
3:40 - 3:45 P.M......Break
3:45 - 4:10 P.M......Round V
4:10 - 5:30 P.M......Slide Show and Awards Presentation
11:00 – 12:00 P.M....Lunch - Annex
12:00 - 12:30 P.M....Registration
12:15 - 12:55 P.M....Coaches' Meeting ( Room 128)
12:55 - 1:00 P.M.....Passing Period
1:00 - 1:25 P.M......Round I
1:25 - 1:30 P.M......Break
1:30 - 1:55 P.M......Round II
1:55 - 2:00 P.M......Break
2:00 - 2:25 P.M......Round III
2:25 - 3:10 P.M......Refreshments - Annex
3:10 - 3:15 P.M......Passing Period
3:15 - 3:40 P.M......Round IV
3:40 - 3:45 P.M......Break
3:45 - 4:10 P.M......Round V
4:10 - 5:30 P.M......Slide Show and Awards Presentation
Bringing Home The Hardware From Monahans
Team Trophies
First Place Team
With 388 points this first place team included Calley Crockett, Taryn Trull, Michael Foster, Jeremy Gerron, Benjamin Rader and Cassidy Waters.This first place team had six members because Cassidy, Jeremy and Taryn had tied scores.
Fifth Place Team
With 349 points this 5th place team included Harrison Childre, Libby McNiel, Seflee Foster, Nathan Craig and Madison Crockett. This fith place team had five members because Nathan and Seflee had tie scores.
Individual Scores
First Place
Michael Foster won a 1st place individual trophy with 100 points--a perfect score!
Second Place
Benjamin Rader took a 2nd place trophy with 98 points. He had 3 perfect rounds!
Third Place
Calley Crockett took a 3rd place trophy with 97 points. She also had 3 perfect rounds.
Seventh Place
Cassidy Waters, Jeremy Gerron and Taryn Trull tied for 7th place with 93 points.
Eighth Place
Libby McNiel took 8th place with 91 points.
Perfect Round Badges
Michael Foster won 5 badges for 5 perfect rounds. Calley Crockett and Benjamin Rader had 3 perfect rounds and Jeremy Gerron, Taryn Trull and Libby McNiel had 1 perfect round each.
High Team Scorer Dog Tags
Cassidy Waters, Bejamin Rader, Michael Foster, Madison Crockett and Calley Crockett each won a dog tag for having the highest score on their respective team.
Pictures for all of the winners and of fun things throughout the day can be seen at:
A Super Day at Hillcrest!
Sunset had an incredible day at Hillcrest in Abilene!
Benjamin Rader won a 6th place individual trophy with 89 points.
Michael Foster won a 2nd place individual trophy with 95 points.
The team of Michael Foster, Benjamin Rader, Libby McNiel and Cassidy Waters won a 2nd place team trophy with 352 points.
And a first for Sunset! Although Sunset has won the small congregational average trophy before, they have never won the trophy in the large congregation average. This year Sunset had the largest team at Hillcrest in Abilene with 20 participants.
For pictures click here:
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