Here are the suggested scriptures from John for the 2009 LTC scripture challenge:
5 1:1-5 Light, Life, Word
1 1:14 Word Became Flesh
8 1:35-42 First Disciples
4 3:5-8 Born Again
4 5:24-27 Life Through the Son
6 6:35-40 Bread of Life
12 10:7-18 The Good Shepherd
2 11:25-26 Resurrection and Life
6 11:32-37 Lifted Up
16 13:2-17 Washing Feet
2 13:34-35 New Command
3 14:1-3 Comfort for the Disciples
1 14:15 Obey
6 15:12-17 Love
3 18:25-27 Peter's Denial
6 19:25-30 Death of Jesus
4 20:28-31 Life in His Name
11 21:15-25 Jesus and Peter
For more detailed information: